New theme: 9th Green schools Flag - Global Citizenship Travel Our new Green Schools Committee is busy working towards securing a 9th Green Flag for our school (yes 9th!!!) This year our theme is 'Global Citizenship Travel'. The focus of our work will be on promoting sustainable transport options and encouraging healthy and active travel habits on journeys to school.
We will be learning about: - The positive benefits which active travel has on our health and well-being and the impacts of air quality. - Planning and developing sustainable travel within towns and cities. - Understanding how transport emissions are directly linked to climate change. - Exploring the many ways we can all contribute to lowing harmful greenhouse gases.
As well as working on the GLOBAL citizenship element, our school will also focus on monitoring and improving sustainable travel habits within our own school community. We will continue to; - Review what travel habits are present in our school. - Raise awareness of the sustainable modes of travel such as walking, cycling, and scooting. - Promote and facilitate ‘Active Citizenship’ by actively moving towards a culture of sustainable travel. - Set positive Travel targets, with the aim of increasing the number of pupils walking, cycling, scooting, carpooling, using public transport or using park ‘n’ stride instead of the private car on the school run.