The Distressed Child
The Distressed Child
In spite of the best efforts of both teacher and parents a small number of children will still become upset. If your child happens to be one of them don’t panic. Patience and perseverance can work wonders.
A Word of Advice
In spite of the best efforts of both teacher and parents a small number of children will still become upset. If your child happens to be one of them don’t panic. Patience and perseverance can work wonders.
A Word of Advice
- Trust the teacher. They are experienced and resourceful and are used to coping with all kinds of starting –off problems.
- Try not to show any outward signs of your own distress. Sometimes the parents are more upset than the child and are the main cause of their anxiety.
- When you have reassured them, leave as fast as possible. The teacher can distract and humour them more easily when you are not around.
- Check back discreetly in a short while. You will invariably find that calm has been restored.
- In the event that your child is distressed for a prolonged length of time, or indeed is refusing to come to school at all, please contact John Benson, Home School Community Liason Coordinator for Scoil Aonghusa. Drop into the parents room for support or alternatively contact John on 086 1806074 and [email protected]