Power Hour (or Literacy Lift Off) is a whole class intervention aimed at improving children's reading and writing skills. It takes place for approximately 6 weeks. Power Hour takes place daily and lasts for between 40 and 50 minutes. During that time 4 teachers work with small groups within the class. Power Hour gives children the opportunity to read lots of books and engage in writing on a daily basis. There are 4 stations that children work at during the time.
1. Word & Letter Work Station At this station children learn how words work. Using magnetic letters they learn how to build words with different sound patterns, make new words from words they already know and visually analysis words.
2. Writing Station At this station the children learn how to write their own messages fluently. They write sentences based on their own experiences or about the stories they have read. Children learn to hear and record sounds in the right order. They also learn how to write tricky words fast and fluently.
3. New Read Station At this station children read a new book every day, at a level that is appropriate to them. During this station children learn different strategies to help them read unknown words. The texts that children read at this station are at an instructional level. That means they are at a level which provides the children with opportunities to extend their reading skills and ability.
4. Familiar Read Station Children read yesterdays new book at this station. This gives the children an opportunity to read with fluency and work on their intonation and phrasing. They also develop their comprehension skills at this station. Children then bring this book home to read it for homework and practice 'sounding like a good reader'!